Colectomy for Endometriosis using the Natural Orifice Extraction (NOSE) technique in 10 steps- Greek
Primary Surgeon: Prof. Horace Roman (with permission)
Authors: Grigoriadis G, Daniilidis A, Merlot B, Dennis T, Roman H[+] Show More

Colectomy for Endometriosis using the Natural Orifice Extraction (NOSE) technique in 10 steps- Greek
In this surgical video( Greek language voiceover), we present the 10 ...

Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis (Previous Surgeries)
This is a case of a patient with previous surgeries who presented with ...

#shorts #endometriosis surgery: save the ureter!
Increasing the distance between the ureter and the deep endometriosis ...
Ενδομητρίωση: Ενδείξεις Ενδοσκοπικής Χειρουργικής

Ενδομητρίωση: Ενδείξεις Ενδοσκοπικής Χειρουργικής
Η ομιλία μου (ΕndometriosisNet) με θέμα τις ενδείξεις της ενδοσκοπικής ...

Endometriosis Talk: Surgical Indications
My recent talk on Surgical Indications of Endometriosis- given in the ...

Ενδομητρίωση: Από τη Διάγνωση στην Αντιμετώπιση (Instagram Live: 8/6/2023)
Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτού του Live, κουβεντιάζω με το συνάδελφο ...
Endometriosis Surgery: ''The Inverse Technique'' for Rectovaginal Endometriosis Nodules
This technique is useful in large nodules, where there is an intention to open the ...vagina as part of the procedure.
Primary Surgeon: Professor Horace Roman (with permission)[+] Show More

Endometriosis Surgery: ''The Inverse Technique'' for Rectovaginal Endometriosis Nodules
This surgical video demonstrates ''The Inverse Technique'' for ...

Endometriosis Surgery: ''The Inverse Technique'' for Rectovaginal Endometriosis Nodules
This surgical video demonstrates ''The Inverse Technique'' for ...

Endometriosis Surgery: Solitary Endometriosis Nodules of the Sigmoid Colon
This surgical video demonstrates the surgical tips and tricks when ...
#shorts #endometriosis surgery: save the ureter!

#shorts #endometriosis surgery: save the ureter!
Increasing the distance between the ureter and the deep endometriosis ...

#shorts #gynecologist Laparoscopic ureterolysis should be done with blunt dissection
Ureterolysis can (and should) be done with minimal use of energy ...
For more videos visit EndometriosisNet channel on Youtube