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Endometriosis Surgery: Gastrointestinal System

Endometriosis Surgery: Gastrointestinal System

Endometriosis of the gastrointestinal system accounts for 5 to 12% of deep endometriosis cases1. 90% infiltrates the rectum and the sigmoid (large bowel)2. In most cases, the patients present with severe symptoms, such as the following: dyschezia (pain on opening the bowels), haematochezia (blood in the stools), bloating and change between constipation and diarrhoea. Those symptoms are, often, more intense…

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Endometriosis Surgery: Urinary Tract

Endometriosis Surgery: Urinary Tract

The urinary tract is infiltrated in 14-20% of patients with deep infiltrating endometriosis1. They often coexist with other endometriosis lesions. The most common symptoms are frequent urination, pain and burning on urination, strong desire to pass urine, blood in the urine and inability to fully empty the bladder. Some patients may have no symptoms at all. Diagnosis can be achieved…

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